Wednesday, January 1st of 2020
marked the first day of production on Last March of the Red. I previously drew up a "day by day" plan of what to focus on. The final day of the first sprint to prototype will be the February 28th. I began Wednesday with work on programming the state machine for the game, the scene manager, and the game data manager. I also made a basic Main menu screen using the game logo and a piece of concept art. Obviously this is super temporary but it will serve for the prototyping phase.

Thursday, January 2nd
After I got off of my day job, other strange brother Micheal came over and we discussed progress as well as the website. We did not have a great deal of time due to the day being one of my house cleaning chores days.. Last year I started having one day a week dedicated to cleaning house and laundry. It has made a huge difference in my productivity. I also discovered that the strange brothers visit took more time than anticipated and will need to be accounted for in the next week. I will declare it a review and reset day for the team. Micheal has been out a computer for about a month so his writing has screeched to a halt. Of course, pen and paper are an option but he gets his flow with a keyboard and I can relate. We are looking at alternative options or a replacement.

Week Review:
So, this was a short week for a review as I only started the first production sprint Wednesday. In future weeks, I will recap each day and try to have some visuals to help along the way. The results from the "Best Logo" survey I posted on the main page were quite limited but I am very appreciative of those that put in their opinions. The overall consensus was that the "Sunset" or more artsy rough looking logo fit our brand better while the "industrial" looked better but was too big businessy. I intend on taking the Sunset logo and playing with it more to hopefully find a better way of presenting the same theme in a better package. This weeks survey is going up today. Please take the opportunity to give us valuable feedback.